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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Exhibition: The Organism Earth

Citizen of the World

Everyone of my day.
We are all cells in the organism of Earth.

Why then do we destroy ourselves?

Shouldn't war be fought to prevent disease
rather than to practice malnutrition?

When someone shakes my hand
I give them a firm shake,
look them in the eyes
and give a little smirk.

Maybe it's my deception,
maybe it's my ego,
it was birthed subconsciously,
might I add,

But I'll tell you what.
That shake is unchanging.
Doesn't matter if its the President, or a hobo.

My treatment of people is always the same initially.
The rest just falls into place.

You all are my brothers and sisters.
What's up with all the rivalry?
Where's the kindheartedness that keeps us livin?
What is your duty as a cell sustaining the life of humanity?
Humanity in all its beauty and majesty.
 Its important, because that, Is what I stand for.
What do you stand for?


A Cuban In London said...

I stand for a cell that recognises and acknowledges the differences in other cells, and when possible, accept them, too.

Greetings from London.

Sachan said...

People hurt others as well as themselves because they all think of themselves as individuals. In other words, they are saying 'what I do is what I do and it has nothing to do with anyone else.' Needless to say that everything one person in this world does would effect some other people. People these days call themselves -first-class citizens' but behave absent-mindedly. It's a fact that we are monomers of the world and no matter how we refuse to admit it, we are all one body. No one can dettach themselves from others hoping that they could do things that won't effect other people.

Anonymous said...

I stand as a voice proclaiming liberty and justice for all. I also stand as a voice which says that the holocaust did happen and will continue to happen if good men and women do nothing to stand against ideologies such as communism, fascism, and totalitarianism which have as their goal to strip the rights of freedom of speech, religion and ownership from the human race.

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