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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Exhibition: Humanity's Entropy

Live Right
"You people don't know how to live"
I've said this before. And I mean it in a lot of ways.
So what will be today's example...hmmm
Everywhere around me.
I see it all the time.
Things going wrong.
They abuse each other
This or that crime happens.
They made some mistake
Some corruption has taken place.
Most of us don't know how to live right.
We don't know how to treat each other.
And we don't know how to live ourselves.
But that can be different.
You can live right.
I'm sure I've said enough.
I try each day
to live up to my preaches and spiels.
How much I succeed is debatable.
You just gotta be constantly reminding yourself of the right way.
And you gotta be aware of your actions. It's all in your mind.
You gotta be in control of your life. Are you?
Because I sure am.


Katrien Scarlet said...


And yes, I'm sure it is a scifi book. I was looking up more about the book so that I could write a better essay. It turns out they were colonizing planets and got stuck on Pern, so they genetically engeneered fire lizzards to be dragons.

Sorry for my lack of responce to your entry, I'm half asleep.

A Cuban In London said...

'You gotta be in control of your life. Are you?
Because I sure am'

Relatively. Remember, mate, Einstein buggered up the whole world when he came up with relativity.

Greetings from London.

Sachan said...

This one I understand.

Anonymous said...

I agree with most of what you've said here. I think parents have a huge responsibility in that they are charged with teaching a child the right way to live. A child has a much better chance in life of living and acting right if they've been taught the right way to live. However, we all have our own choices to make. How much we actually have control of our life is actually debatable. All kinds of strange things come at us all the time...the only constant in this experiment is how we choose to react to each experience. We have a free will and we choose to exercise it every day in all sorts of ways. Do we have morals or have we cast those known rights and wrongs aside? Drugs have infected our society to such an extent that many are living in a realm of blurry amorality because drugs have left them mental-moral zombies. Yes...there is good reason for outlawing (most) illegal drugs.

ORACLE said...

Well good for you mah friend. :) But allow me this...

We judge. We don't know each other's stories. No one truly knows what goes on in another's world, but our judgments can create a wall that blocks us from seeing the other for who he or she really is. Our vision gets limited; we get goal-oriented and find ourselves ignoring each other, or not listening, or caring for that matter...

brad4d said...

..control of our lives has been made reflexive by our habits and schedules and this is the relativity of experience, so grow to allow responsive adaptation, and where there is a sharing (freedom), comes respect, most importantly with thyself..

Good Blogs

Snow Friends

Snow Friends

didn't know it was that easy