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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Tuesday, December 23, 2008


My political philosophies are based guessed it,
Principles For the Sake of Humanity. (FISH policy?)

But that's all I'll say about that; directly at least.
I believe that sometimes it doesn't matter what kind of government leads, as long as humanity can excel with it. What matters most is what the society under the government is. Humanity needs to excel, we're in an awkward stage right, i'd say.

It's not a revolution in the sense that our government should be changed; just in the way we think, we as society, we as humanity; a true change.

Here in America we have the freedom of what we believe in or follow.
We have the freedom to have a Revolution of the Mind.
But instead we use our freedom, our opportunity to hoard material things..

We have the chance to do something; we are one of the world's largest powers and yet we, we the people, the people that make America what it is choose to be lazy (sloth), inconsiderate of others (greed), vain (pride), over-indulging (gluttony), short-tempered (wrath), never-content (envy), sex driven (lust) people. People that can do something, but don't. Acquiescence is totally acceptable, which is sickening. Acquiescence is almost needed for success in this kind of environment.

Not every American is the same and I do see the good in everyman. I understand why it is so, but I can't just sit back and watch the acquiescence seen, float by.
America has the opportunity, the opportunity even now to become a light in this dark world; not by attempting to spread it's religion of democracy, not by ignoring many parts of the world and surely not by staying cold in this weak attempt to save lives. We can change the world by forgetting the conventional sense of how we run things. We can challenge what we've learned. Instead of the success of ourselves we should be concerned in the success of others but first it takes us, the society to change. It takes our unity for humanity's sake.

And we have the chance needed,
We have the true change needed...
For the Sake of Humanity


pussybitch said...

"Here in America we have the freedom of what we believe in or follow."
Really? Do we? Or are our beliefs, thoughts and opinions prescribed to us by advertising, television, society and what those in the highest echelons of power want us to think, feel, believe, eat, drink, purchase and do?
Those who have authority over us decide what American people as a collective think, feel and so on. They manipulate us to subscribe to safe ideologies and to be steeped in ignorance. If there was so much as a dissenting opinion, their power may be threatened, and with no power comes no money and that is unacceptable.
Also, given the fact you used to be religious (from what I read on James' comments), and given the fact I am a vehement disbeliever, I found your reference to the seven sins rather out of place.
Sloth is a disease, possibly genetic, rather than a demeanor. Of course people have sheepish tendencies but the "Sloth" you speak of is a disorder.
Second, if all of us were to avoid the seven sins, modern day life as well as the people will be extremely mundane. Did you know people starved themselves in order to be pure and free from the sin of gluttony? Did you know those same people would also force themselves to vomit in an effort to be pure and closer to god? There is nothing wrong with minor hedonism and gluttony! Stuff your fucking face!!!

Now, I may seem extremely cynical and skeptic.I am. Just some food for thought.

Allison said...

sorry i really don't get politics lol. ugh yea i met clarice in 6th grade but didn't really become her friend till 8th grade and i met james offically ( i knew of him) last June and we are all best friends. Clarice doesn't go to school with me and James though.

Flüssiger Spiegel said...

Ugh…politics leaves such a bad taste in my mouth.
BUT, you’re ideas make sense, and they sound WONDERFUL
No matter how great a system of rule may seem to be…it all goes back to the individuals of that system…’s sad I know, that what you describe is not happening…yet. But I truly believe such an event will occur everywhere…………in the future anyway.
Ay Philosopher?

Now then: sloth, greed, pride, gluttony, wrath, envy, lust.…have you been watching the History Channel?
(*snicker* thought so…interesting week last week was….yeah that‘s right, you can be thanking Dante for the whole concept of the Christian view of hell haha)


P.S. glad you liked the song. Now, I can’t say i love it when someone disagrees with me. However, it does teach me something. For that (a different view on things) I am thankful.

Mac said...

So many things to say so little time. I do not even know where to begin. Let me organize my thoughts, and I shall comment more deeply.

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