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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Thursday, March 26, 2009


A comment from an anonymous commenter.

"blah blah blah. stop pickin apart people and life. we know what we are and we know what we can do. you think your wise? i dont. blah blah blah. get over yourself."

I love it! I'm glad someone's stood up to me...even if they did it anonymously. I'd be pretty upset though if it was one of my parents messing around with.

I do agree with them saying I'm not wise though...because if I truly was, things would be different.

But I wish I could agree with them when they said that we know what we are and what we can do.

If this is true then everyone around me is truly evil or maybe they just like playing dumb.

But still, it really doesn't matter what may be,
things are as they are,
and they aren't as the should be.


Mac said...

Not something you hear every day. If you want me to disagree with you I shall. You are smart, but in the different ways in which society contributes to the way that makes and all that jazz.

brad4d said...

.."things are as they are" is the observation of reflexive reasoning, the kind of thinking that numbs us into sub)missions...the effort to change is (a) response ability...project the opportunity to suggest improvement, or notice when those who don't...negate themselves..(with debate).
I like how you used dialog as a key, great opening...

Anonymous said...

people will wear the mask that fits the situation. im sure lots of poeple you know are evil and play dumb. i know tonnes of people like this. "everything to further myself and everything to slow you down." thats there motto. and your right, things arent the way they should be, but how do you change that? by pickin us apart? by disecting our emotions? We know what we feel, we know what pain is, we know what joy is. we know everything we do and everything we can do, no matter how much we lie about it its true.

Allison said...

Well i think everyone is wise in their own ways. but eh you can't blame someone for expressing their opinion right? But sometimes you should just keep it to yourself. Like if that person doesn't like the things you say well no one is forcing them to read your blog and agree with everything you say. Im glad you can take it so well though thats a good trait.

A Cuban In London said...

"blah blah blah. stop pickin apart people and life. we know what we are and we know what we can do. you think your wise? i dont. blah blah blah. get over yourself."

Sorry, mate, but I was just astounded at the poor grammar this anonymous poster displayed. 'Your' is a possessive pronoun, he probably meant 'You're', contraction of 'You are'. I know, I know, I am being pedantic, but if YOU'RE are going to post on someone's blog anonymously, at least have the decency to check your text before pressing 'Post Comment'.

Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

Marcos Freitas said...

hey rafé (or benji or both hehehe) thanks for the visit and the comment.
it was an awesome video about google amazing storage power and its conection to the government data interests (somehow as a suveilance gift or so) but, of course, it was removed by google itself. i'll try to find it somewhere else and send it to you.
anyway, i use to write about these issues on the globalove blog and on my own one as well.
thanks again

Marcos Freitas said...

oops! for my own blog i mean...
the PRAXIS OMNIA VINCIT at the "my blogs" list.
feel welcome!

Marcos Freitas said...

hey, i found it!

Twisting by said...

haha sorry, this just made me laugh.... its funny how people just do what they do and then others oppose it...oppositions is good but, at least give feedback or advice or start a good debate.... say what you will, express your opinion, analyze emotions and society....whatever... some people will read it and either like it or not....whatever!.... let people do what they do, however much you agree or one is getting hurt...and right on you! for letting this person be negative, because thats what he chose to do....and really, well i guess it depends on what opinions you have, but so what, nothing really matters in life...people will always do what they do, just accept.... and kudos to that last post.... be open to all!

chops said...

thats what im trying to get across here, people will do what they do, it doesn't matter. But if you want change dont disect us start putting us together. we know our falts, so now lets figure out our strenghts. and then maybe we'll see some change. im fucked, your fucked, we're all fucked. but if we're all in it together, why not come out of it together. we know what we are, and we know what we do. im just afraid we dont know what TO do. so agian i say stop pickin us apart. Start puttin us together, and lets make that change.

~Silver said...

Intersting post indeed. opposition makes the world interesting, however it can come off on the offensive side(at least to me) when stated in such a manner.(The blah blahs were just plain rude) Though I understand why some people get irritated with people who seem to only be disecting things, but this anonymous commentor didn't have to be so crass in the way he stated his opinion. When I began blogging I was under the impression that, blogging was about sharing your thoughts, opinions, creations, or whatever else you wished to share with people. Though I didn't truly believe that people would not be harsh or blunt in their opinions, I did hope people would understand that bloging was basically sharing your thoughts, which meant many people would be analyzing things they found in their everyday lives.
As for chops' comment, problem solving is far easier to talk about than actually do. Though I can speak for only myself in this matter, but before I began something I like to be fully informed, analyzing and "picking things apart" to hopefully better understand the situation, before I began. When you rush into something blind, and began making changes, the results don't always end up how you want or any better than the previous results. So in the hopes of trying to understand our world a little better we "pick things apart in hope that when we have reached a better understanding, we will know how to put things together.
'When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the universe.' -John Muir
Problems are rarely ever as simple as eveyone seems to believe, a bad outcome of one situation maybe a blessing for another situation. "putting us together" is difficult when you can't even find the right pieces.
Change for one thing is a change for all things one way or another.

P.S. Sorry about the rant, feel free to pick it apart anyway you wish.

The Listener said...

I don't think we will ever understand someone else. Their views and ours, change all the time depending on what's going on right then and there. I agree with one (well a few) comment'' we are wise in our own way'', that is true, I feel like I meet wise people all the time. I think ''Wow, they must be really smart'', but it's not that they are so smart, it's where they are taking the time to think and get to know what's going on with the world, the people out there in it. We, people are not perfect and neither is life, life can really suck and so can people. Do you want to take people a face value? Do you not want to get to know that person? Yes, I want to know someone and if picking them apart helps me to understand them...why not do it. I feel like I play it safe when dealing with people and blogging, I feel like I hold back and don't really say all that I want to say, so I commend you on picking us and life apart.

Twisting by said...

chops: disection is so much easier than building... you cant put things together, there will always be a problem, and not everyone wants it put tpgether in the same way. if your talking about yourself or you and one other person, then ya, you know your weaknesses and strengths, you know what you are capable of , so start creating and building and puting your life together, but when talking about society, it can't be done. you can try but someone will always oppose

Twisting by said...

benji, you dont even just pick things apart, i love reading your posts and it seems like you do everything, when i read your blog i get a story, an opinion, ideas, disection and construction

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