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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Friday, August 07, 2009


As my the days of my summer come to an end,
well, what's a rebel to do but rebel?
haha, I just wanna milk my days dry since I have so few.
And so I'm up, refusing sleep to enjoy these last few days.

School for me starts Monday, we're done with summer vacation.
For me, summer is over.

But aside from such facts, I was thinking last night.:::

The way to peace is truth.
The way to truth is love.
The way to love is peace.
Not knowing the truth seems to be the best.
Constantly seeking it, is that the best way to approach it?
Doubt led me to seek the truth.
Truth led me to peace and love.
Peace and love led me to hope.
Hope led me to reality.
My reality led me to my beliefs,
and my beliefs led me to doubt.

::: They may not make much sense,
or maybe you can connect it to real life,
but I think they're right, at least for me.
And one last excerpt from late night thought:::

In order to change the world:

1: the society of love: to live the right way
2: humanity's peace: to solve the world
3: seekers of hope: to birth change

::: Keep in mind that this is all unadulturated stuff.
It's like that other blog I mentioned at the beginning of this year.
Oh, how long ago that was....

Anyways, right now I'm reading:
Self Mastery and Fate with the Cycles of Life

It looks interesting, although I just started it.
I'm not completely sure what it holds, but we'll see, right?

Well, that's it for now...
It's time to read some of your posts.

Oh yeah, and once last thing.
I saw the title and remembered!

In the book it said that we humans are not products of our environment,
but that our environment is humanity's product, our creation.

My belief on the matter of
"who and what control what and who"
 is now a little more experienced.

We gotta draw the line and stop being victims.

Good night
Good morning.
Good day


Anonymous said...

I liked these lines...

"The way to peace is truth
The way to truth is love
The way to love is peace."


Jaerixon said...

Hello Benji, it's been a long time

Jaerixon said...

I'm sorry I kind of quit :\, just had a rocky couple of months behind me. Who else has "lost their zeal"?

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