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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Intermission: Liberty

We all hold the opportunity of liberty
In our hands is the choice of life and death.
A famous person whose name I forget said, 
"Give me liberty, or give me death"

Death is an ugly liberty, but a liberty nontheless

Any of us can free ourselves with the right technique.
Any of us can free each other with the right method.

Liberty is a beautiful thing,
but what will be sacrificed[?],
In our pursuit of happiness?


A Cuban In London said...

'But curiosity also might have led such poet to wonder what words could create'

You are so right. So, so right. many thanks for that kind comment.

There's a Cuban movie called 'The Last Supper' by the late director Tomas Gutierrez Alea. in it, twelve slaves are asked to accompany their master at Easter. On the night one of the slaves, the oldest in the group, is asked what he would with his freedom if he was liberated the next day and his reply (I paraphrase slightly) was: 'I would never leave you , my master, I would never leave you!'

It showed me that freedom starts with the belief that we are free and the understanding of what that state of mind means.

Many thanks.

Greetings from London.

ChipotleChick said...

Freedom. AS living beings freedom is a basic right. The natural course of all life takes the road of freedom. we need only to look at nature to see this. Death? Death is a liberty, but a liberty from what? it is a liberty from life, from emotion, from feeling, from love, from hate, from pain, from everything that makes us human, other than mortality. And then, where are you? To be free from life is to be trapped by death, by something so unknown, so infinite, in the end it is yet another prison, one we can't escape so easily. We are trapped by fate, but would you really rather be trapped by your own freedom?

Aw, the paradox. I like paradoxes. They keep life interesting.

"A man who would sacrifice freedom for security, deserves to neither be free, nor secure"

The Listener said...

Freedom, is there such a thing anymore. I think not. Freedom of speech is being taken away from us everyday now. You have to watch what you say to people or about people because it is always being watched and if someone feels the slightest offense from it you have started a small word war.

Freedom is never free, we pay a price for it just as we pay for everything.You have rules for everything,so, how is that free. You want to own a gun but you have people telling you that you shouldn't have one because someone just might take it from you and use it against you. No, there is no freedom anywhere anymore, you are never truly free from anyone or anything!!

Mac said...

Freedom has a price I hope you realize. What freedom we have, may be destroyed by wanting more. "Give me Liberty or give me death." At the surface he appears to be saying, I would rather die than having the choice of free will. However, if we examine this more closely, it is showing a self sacrifice. Something that is incredibly powerful. When the will to live is destroyed, when your will sacrifice everything you have in the name of something. With many people not fearing death, with many people realizing the loss of life, they will give themselves up for any cause. Such is the case of liberty.

Anonymous said...

When I think of that statement..."Give me liberty or give me death," I think of those, almost a thousand I think, at Masada. They were religious zelots who had gone into the desert seeking freedom from persecution by the Romans. They were besieged and decided to draw lots as to who would die first and killed one another rather than being taken prisoner by the Romans. That's how dedicated they were to freedom.

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