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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

over you, hopefully not

so, I'll say this, 
look at human existence

without human existence, we have nothing...
so existence brings good and bad, right?

well then is nonexistence better because it doesn't bring bad (or evil)?
I don't believe so; existence as an opportunity to good is the only good aspect to this universe

So ultimately, the opportunity for good is most important

So then, on a smaller scale, what is good?

Well, if human existence is the opportunity of good, then anything that contributes to this opportunity is good as well

And this is where the world fails

People, in bondage by corrupt leaders, poverty, war, crime and other things that hinder human advancement are the things that take a stance against human existence (and the opportunity of good) and thus are deemed "evil" at least by my opinion and by the idea that human existence is good

So, I guess to sum it up...

Good is for the sake of humanity.
Evil is against.


A Cuban In London said...

In my humble opinion, evil is as abstract a concept which is why it gets bandied about so much. Nobody wants to be evil, so by casting evil people away we divert attention from us because we cannot conceive us, human being, committing the same atrocities that Hitler, Cheny/Rumsfeld/Bush, Stalin and Mao committed.

That's why I would like to get rid of that word for ever and ever, 'evil', that is. Or fine people for overusing it. We could utilise that money in education so as to have more balanced citizens. Now, that's worth it.

Thanks for the write-up.

Greetings from London.

pussybitch said...

The most recent post was actually a mistake. I began to draft a new post and I remembered I had turned on the setting that types in Hindi. I thought, "What the fuck? Why is this happening." So the title is "Perplexity" something and the body says something like, "I am stupid and dumb and I don't like myself." Then, I accidentally saved it.

I didn't write some really rich, profound statement. Just nonsense.

pussybitch said...

"We're not animals...and we don't have to kill ourselves to keep the population under control...we can change the trends. We are in control, and those who can't control need to be replace."

Have you thought about how we can begin to change the "trends?"
Obviously we are in control but what do we do to those who "can't control?"

Kill them?

Also, you use too many elipses'.

brad4d said...

The word evil is live backwards so it could be an anti-living attitude . . the trouble with Human attitude is that it is a state of mind . . Human nature is an oxymoron considering nature supports growth and awareness dissects and dis-eases life . . parasitic attitudes can't be denied at this economic tipping point . . how do we stop being critical is naturally good . . start?

Anonymous said...

Our understanding of good and evil is limited by our own experiences, but if you look back through history, it is very evident that humankind has great potential for tremendous good and horrendous evil. Men have butchered other men, women and children without mercy and seemingly without conscience all throughout history. We have also gone to the moon, the stars and developed powerful technologies. We have within our minds the capacity for creation and destruction, good and evil. If we could develop our consciousness to harness these powers, we could venture beyond our dreams. In fact, we are only limited by our lack of imagination.

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