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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine Day!

Today I returned all my recent comments and even posted some new ones but didn't once say Happy Valentines Day, so here it goes to all you...

and if you don't have a Valentine, or you do but you're single anyways, have a good Single-On-Saturday (kudos to Nagroms)


Neon Duck said...

thank you, even though I know valentines day is just a made up holidayI'm perfectly happy to celebrate and enjoy it, it may be stupid and blind but it makes me happy...+D

pussybitch said...

I believe someone who lists their occupation as, "Revolutionary" would have an ardent interest in politics. After all, the most notable revolutionaries, Pancho Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Che Guevara, Subcomandante Marcos, ect. have all had a fierce interest in politics and current affairs. It is also ironic that someone who labels themself as the "Philosopher King," is in possession of a simple mind.
Politics is what runs a country and politics is the means of societal/economic knowledge. Politics can also be transmuted into a tool for manipulation and mass-brainwash.
Also, your comment was an obvious allusion to 1984. Anyway, of course the fucking inner party desire power and money. That is why these fucking fascists climb the corporate ladder, to be granted a position of power. This society is a dead ringer for fascism, it's sickening.
Most people are fucking contented in this society because our fucking corporate media perpetuates the fraudulent myth that we are free. People believe we are granted civil liberties (Well, some. The government has to give us a few civil liberties so we don't become enraged and rebel) and, thus, become bloated and complacent in their sick fucking ignorance.
The government doesn't have to expend any effort to do away with "anti-democratic" parties. Propaganda will sway everyone away from any party that does not have a major lean towards big business.
We're no fucking democracy and we are no fucking republic. A democracy means that every person, rich or poor, healthy or diseased, has equal access to power. Granted, that is true...if you have fucking millions of dollars! We are not a republic because a republic derives its powers, directly or indirectly, from the people. We derive our power from money and wealth.
This is a fascist country. This is an aristocracy. This is Neoliberlism.

Have you gone soft, my friend?

Jaerixon said...

Its true, I am more political. Philosophy and just thinking is great, was great, but I started to see all these issues and problems that I felt like I could fix and I realized philosophy only allowed me to provide advice as compared to enacting action. Now politics and action has become my primary goal because its the best way I feel I can make a change.

Mac said...

well, i wish i could offer some good stuff that my cousin and jaxerion have offered to your humble blog. Well ok maybe not necessary humble, but still thought provoking blog. Either way, happy Valentines Day.

Allison said...

Valentines Day is stupid. to me anyways. yes i was wondering what was taking you so long to comment and such im glad your back. Sorta back anyways.

Sakhi. said...

thnx!!hope u had a nice

Sachan said...

haha... happy valentine's day Rafe.

Jaerixon said...

You are right, philosophy is useful at any level. I have always thought philosophy should be the foundation to decision making. But its as you said about the universal truth, you need a balance. Action without philosophy is worthless, if not counter-productive, and philosophy without action is fruitless. We need a balance of the two.

I think you and me both are arrogant, simply because were used to dealing with morons all the time.

Allison said...

Yay! some one knows what song im talking about!!!

ChipotleChick said...


and because Jaerixon's comment is bugging me, i'm gonna input my completely unwanted opinion right here!

Philosophy isn't meant to be the bullet in chamber, it's meant to be the magazine in which the bullet is placed. Philosophy is ones way of creating order in a chaotic mind and creating a once unseen view of the world. Philosophy is what leads to the motivation that induces action. It's the building blocks of a revolution, the very foundation of change.

or at least that's what i think. and if i think it, it must be right. and if it isn't right, too bad, i say it's right anyways. ha.

*Sitting by a tree* said...

well i do not have a valentine but whatever. i'll live. :)

pussybitch said...

"maybe the people have too much freedom..."
I just wanted to clarify: by people, were you referring to the bureaucracts in power or the common people?
Most people in power would become corrupt. I need not point out a quote concerning power you've most likely learned in High School while reading Julius Caesar. That is where my Anarchist Ideologies come into play. Power taints any hope for the welfare of the people as a collective entity. Any form of authority facilitates exploitation, brainwashing, theft and big business interests paramount to those of the common people. So, basically, to answer your question of, "...Who would be the oppressor and would they become corrupt?" anyone in power would become the oppressor, and would not any oppresor be corrupt by nature?
You can boggle your mind about political theories all you want, but unless you are educated in history, current affairs, government, politics and so on, only bitter fruits will flower.
A revoltionary is contradictory? Are you saying that all rebel leaders thoughts and agendas are convoluted and contradictory? Perhaps they are, but usually only when the come into a position of power.
Also, I would not consider Jesus a king nor would I consider him an influential figure in any regards.


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