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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Monday, May 19, 2014


One day the water will be lighter and the sun will beat upon the earth, torn and black to sand.
Each organism will curl into it's safety whence each being of higher intelligence will adapt plant like symptoms to avoid 'out of your mind' boredom.
Until then, many scores ahead, we must instill productivity in efficiency even into our fates of pleasure so that children must learn.
We must believe in plans of near future and in the ability and availability of seeing other systems of the sun and leaving such corporation with our generations to come.
Cock your pistols, we'll be hunting the wild rooster with wrestling horn of another creature peeking down at you around a corner by the water front.

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Snow Friends

didn't know it was that easy