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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Love III

Last night, I was forced to think.
Forced to think about the situations surrounding my life.
Forced to think about myself and what I produce in life.
Well what did I come up with?

I came up with something we all know.
Energy cannot be created, neither can it be destroyed.
Not by human hands.

Love, in order to give, it is necessary to have.

These people in this world, you and I.
Well, mostly you, this world has shaped you,

and tossed you around, and gave you false beliefs,
and robbed you of your loving capabilities.

But love to me, it comes natural.

And forgiveness spews out of me like light from the sun.
And kindness keeps me alive.
And my self confidence, well its my conceited self.
But I don't look down on you my friend.
Is it your fault that you cannot love like myself?

So who am I exalting myself over others.
"What a prideful bastard he is, saying these things"
Well, you may be right, but my pride won't allow me,
allow me to be anything less than loving.
And that is the beauty of a lover.


Sachan said...

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love."
That was the first thing I thought about after reading this post. But the main question in here that I need answers for is this:
"Is it your fault that you cannot love like myself?"
I wished I had a definite answer for this; or someone would give me an answer. Truly, I find myself incapable of loving like that. Maybe people like me do love, but we don't realize it and maybe we are showing it in very different ways. Or maybe the fear that is in us makes us to love 'cautiously'. Perhaps if people like me could have faith in this thing called love, maybe only then there'll be hope for us to love like that; without fear.

mishellerose said...

thank you for being such a lover! being from a family of firewalkers and bouyant survivalists, we know how important love is to life. glad to read the words you post and see that others are following your words... hugs!

Allison said...

hey rafe long time no talk!

~Silver said... has never been my prime focus in life, it's always been this constant, one of the undertones in my life that just permeated even in the bad times. The thing that I couldn't understand with my mind, but something I was grateful for non-the-less. I know love when I see it, and I appreciate it, but...I don't count on it. I'm a forgiving person, but it's more out of apathy and my ability to move on and let go easily, not love. I can't say I'm a lover, being fairly unaffectionate and distant, except to those I value most (which are very few). I'm not much of a fighter (though I have my moments), understanding the value of peace. I've always been more of a thinker or dreamer. Love has always been something that existed, but never drew me in. My proclivity and fascination towards it has always been...moderate. At most.
It's always interesting to meet a person who loves naturally. :)

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