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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Gold Promise: Official Statement

I want to liberate the people

Corrupt leaders, the burden of economics, and the other ignorances and immoralites of the people are humanity's greatest vices.

In acquiescence and evil-doing, those who are knowledgeable lie.
These are sins in themselves, bowing down to the gods of this current system

In foolishness and innocence, those who are unknowledgeable wait.
Their faults limit the quality of their life. Purpose and resolve have seeped down to encompass trivialities.

In peace, everything for the sake of humanity as a whole, we should live.

I want to bring people to life

I want to live as well...

Why must we be ruled by killing 'virtues'?
It's time people...its time to prepare for the preparations...
well, at least for me


Sachan said...

I'll vote for you.. Go Rafe!!! is that your name?? or is it Benji Pancheo??

Katrien Scarlet said...

"In foolishness and innocence, those who are unknowledgeable wait"
That is probablye my favorite line.
"I want to bring people to life

I want to live as well..."
Is probabley my second favorite. You have a way with words my friend. Not only do you write for a purpose, but the way that you say it actually leads people to stop and listen... Or atleast I would think so.

pussybitch said...

"no, we don't kill them
we simply trade spots

we become the leaders
and the become the proles"

First of all, I think you have been reading too much 1984. The proper name is the Proletariat and the master class is the Bourgeoisie.
Anyway, we cannot simply just trade spots with them and, thus, shift authority. Their power, establishments, clauses and laws protect them from such a "radical" threat to their power.

Plus, in that post concerning the necessity of war, I was referring to people as the mass collective, humanity (which you should have easily picked up on given your lean toward the Sake of Humanity), not those in power.
Those in power simply do not get killed from war- they profit from war.

Twisting by said...

"In foolishness and innocence, those who are unknowledgeable wait.
Their faults limit the quality of their life. "
im not sure if i understood this the way you meant..
maybe those who are unknowledgeable have the best lives though? and i think ots more of lack of opportunity than a fault.... maybe a fault of humanity.... havent been on blogger in so long! this is good

pussybitch said...

"I'm not too into terminology
I am though familiar with what you've suggested

You speak of these clauses and laws, like clauses and laws have never been pushed aside

and yes, I understand your reference to humanity in that post...I don't know where the confusion came from"

Honestly, I don't think you really know what you're talking about. If you engage in discourse with anyone knowledgeable of the subject you're talking about and you don't use the proper terminology, no one is going to take you seriously.

Also, sure laws and clauses have been pushed aside, but they will never be disregarded to dethrone those in power. They never will. That's it. Those who have indoctrinated their place in complete control will not disregard the same laws to threaten their own thrones. Your naivete amazes me.

Anonymous said...

In reference to the comment by sectetarmy.secretpolice, who said..."If you engage in discourse with anyone knowledgeable of the subjest you're talking about and you don't use the proper terminology, no one is going to take you seriously." I would say that terminology varies from group to group, click to click. The real meaning behind the thought is what should be gleaned. For instance, the government is constantly using catch words like "change" or "fairness" but those words hold no meaning because they are simply used to deceive or mislead. Political correctness is nothing but group pressure.
"Naivete" may be another way of saying... "you aren't wearing the right clothes, don't come back until you're wearing Guess jeans."

Mac said...

All is corrupt. Very simply. And I am glad that I was able to squeeze something out of you. Had to be said.

pussybitch said...

My mistake for not understanding your comments but your chosen diction was just too humble and simple to suggest any revolutionary means.
Also, I thought I turned off the damn word verification.

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