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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Revolution II

I have a secret blog...only secret because it isn't refined for the public. It'll probably be hard to understand; it's more of a brain storming blog...
It's name is Salvation: referring to the salvation of humanity through the power of good.
The first post was named Revolution.

Anyways, to have some aid in the subject I asked my lovely readers to help me see what they originally said you can go to the first Revolution post on this blog and view the 4 victories...

"By changing the contents of the world."
I like how that's worded...anyways, she stated that we must change ourselves first. Much like, Mahatma Gandhi in his famous quote "Be the change you want to see in the world."
She also said that revolution can be accomplished by changing people minds.
I can only wonder how effective I've been in that area..

Terrin took it a little farther by stating that we should boycott all the selfish things the government feeds us and he even goes to say that we humans aren't naturally inclined to this kind of governing...
If this is true, then combining the first two comments, could we incite revolution by drawing out the natural inhibitions of mankind?

James stood on the fact that passion is a very strong object within us. So revolution might only be possible through passion...I have passion...
But how would I get other people to feel the same way?

Michael Kent
Michael said that if we change our aura then we finally change the world. I liked his optimism. I just wish it were that simple...
But what if it was...what if could do just simply what he said?
Do I over complicate things?

Anyways...I'm starting a new series...It's called Education...
Because ignorance is the root of all evil...


Katrien Scarlet said...

I always feel so incapable of producing a comment worthy of this blog. I read it, I become enlightened by it, I keep the knowlege in mind (or try to)... But I never really know what to say.
Anyways, I'm going to try to construct a comment that I don't believe is utterly horrible and unfitting.

All of them make sense to me I suppose... Most of the revolution I hear about though involve wars and death.
I don't believe such things have really been perfected yet... I guess. If that makes any sense.

Ignorance is the root of all evil I supose... And I guess that would count for poor education and miss-teachings... but peole preach different things, teach different lessons. How do you get people to listen and be educated?

Now I will change the subject and avoid making myself look any more stupid and say that I loved your comment on my blog. I know others often feel that way, and worse... I feel helpless to the feeling therefore I also feel as if I can't really help anyone else with it. And when I feel as if I can't help someone I feel as if I have failed.
And... Some people have created such a perfect little mask to hide behind, you can't really notice sometimes.

I'm half asleep.
I love the songs on your playlist.
(Depeche Mode doesn't want to play for me though! and that ones my favorite too. thats sad.)

Allison said...

hmm that is enteresting. very cool. I know its swum just sounds so weird. Nah i know what idealism is lol im not as stupid as i make myself seem

Allison said...

oh i think interesting is spelled this way. I always do that

Michael Kent said...

Where do we start the education? At home with ourselves or somewhere else with others?

I think the answer is clear. Each person can only control their own actions.

Sachan said...

Wow, a secret blog with BIG words. I ahve another thing to add: For the world to undergo a change, it needs people like YOU. People who cares. James is right, passion is what we need to change the world. So when you're gonna set up a campaign or anything in order to change the world, inform me. I'll fly to California...haha. Not soon, please.

Allison said...

i set myself up for that didn't i. lol im not stupid and yet i managed to spell interesting wrong. i suprise myself all the time seeings how im not even blonde!

Mac said...

Hmm... ignorance is the root of evil? Is not ignorance, but maybe a lack of ethics. Or the idea that their ethics are only altered from yours, thus making them evil for being different?

Katrien Scarlet said...

Blogging would be a good way to educate, but the issue is, how do you get people who normally wouldn't read/understand/care about what education is presented to actually read/understant/care? How do you try to teach people that do not want to be taught?

And thank you, I often worry that I sound stupid even though I do try to look at things in at least a slightly bigger picture.
Your welcome by the way, I love your comment because it contains good humor and insight.

I see what you mean about helping more needy people. Also in doing so I'm sure that I will forget about the problem that I have problems solving for myself.

I love the song "People are People" and just about anything else they play. I was raised on a lot of depeche mode.
((Sorry for having to delete my last comment, I made a pretty big error I wanted to correct))

Allison said...

lol im just a weirdo. thats the best definition i can come up with. Well no its not but my friends always slap me when i use the other ones.

Allison said...

Not that you can slap me anyways

pussybitch said...

Hey, I'm thinking of starting a blog revolving around short biographies of important/notable philosophers, leaders, figures and other important people in history like Thoreau, Emerson, Kropotkin, Meltzer, Goldman, Nietzsche, Hemingway, Kerouac, etc.
Interested in contributing?

pussybitch said...

Um, correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't you psot a little free-verse poem or something of the like concerning Idealism?
I'm not into the bullshit anarchy that the media passes off as anarchy. Anarchy is not chaos, destruction, setting cops on fire and eating little children. Anarchism is actually quite a noble praxis. Anarchism is far more profound than the shallow conception that it is just no government and full-blown chaos. You should research it.
I started off with this book:

Good Blogs

Snow Friends

Snow Friends

didn't know it was that easy