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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Freewill Doesn't Exist (aftershock)

You are a product of influence and chance, nothing more, nothing less.

(Debate needed, score a victory)


Katrien Scarlet said...

I can't argue with that really. Even with your quest to bring change and enlighten people. You are influencing people that stumble upon you by chance.
I can decide to do something, but I make that decision based on previous influence. Friends influence me to hang out with them.
A chance may randomly arise for me to do something.

I don't know. I'm just in a bad mood and getting sick of the pre-planned mechanical flow of my life.
It's a sad thought though, that we may not have freewill even though we think we do.

~Silver said...

"Can't Argue?!

I both love and dislike how you've adapted my belief... somehow I feel guilty.

But life isn't necessarily's not planned at all....(unless we're in the matrix)
You can agree with me about being influenced by everything else and I believe it right to the core, but things can still change.

Maybe, even if we don't have free will on a molecular level, we can still inject good into the equation, or at least redistribute it...

haha...I think we've gotten a little to deep, hahaha.."


Umm, I pretty certain this is a response to Katrien Scarlet's comment. I'm still uncertain as to how it got on my blog?...

Michael Kent said...


We are as your statement says but to say freewill does not exist is going too far. There are areas where we have predetermined ideas and thoughts because of our previous influences and environmental variables. For example, before I buy a t-shirt, before I walk into that store, I have already picked out the one I like, or dislike.

But, through the same reasons because we have the variable of education and influences-- these same things can give us more freewill in our choices, in our paths. In that same store, I may buy a shirt I totally dislike because the love of my life thinks its awesome.

In the end, the question is what is your definition of freewill? ^_^

Allison said...

idk id have to think about it. which i don't want to. you too smart for me :/

brad4d said...

..take the chance that appreciation is the best evaluation, the critical choice is mostly a discouraging influence..

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