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Lewis Carroll

"To me it seems that to give happiness is a far nobler goal that to attain it: and that what we exist for is much more a matter of relations to others than a matter of individual progress: much more a matter of helping others to heaven than of getting there ourselves."

Saturday, February 28, 2009


Hello! Fellow Bloggers!

I don't usually ask you for any input except for praise in comment form.

Then again, I did ask you for something to talk about...

I want to ask for your input of revolution.
How do you change the world?

I think it's pretty leave a comment, or even post one on your own blog.


Sachan said...

By changing the contents of the world. Example: you and me and anyone else who call themselves human beings. there are actually two views to this question. The bigger view of the smaller view. The bigger view takes a lot of guts and energy. The smaller scale takes guts and energy too, but not that radical. I say, I'm going to conclude my whole answer by saying that to change the world, we have to change our , mentality. Of course almost everyone would answer that way because in my point of view, people's mentality is the only thing that needs changing. You change people's mentality, you change the whole world.

By the way, thanks for listing my blog in your 'distinguished good people blogs'... Means a lot.. Hey i think that's one way to change the world too. Give people positive comments or pat the backs of people that do good things. Make people feel good.

pussybitch said...

We need to organize, do away with the petty labels that Capitalism brands us with, take to the streets, boycott excessive consumerism and do not support capitalism or democracy. Democracy has a habit of reducing ideas down to superficial sound-bite opinions for the population to adopt. They manufacture our consent and they hoodwink us into believing this form of government to be the purest and holiest.
If we do away with the right wing and left wing, we found out that we are human beings at nature and freedom is a desire inherent in all!

Check out
Listen to some of the audiobooks and discover that Anarchism is actually a sophisticated philosophy based on freedom, mutual aid, universal tolerance and acceptance, etc.

Mac said...

A person changes the world, if they simply want to. If the person has enough passion in wanting to change the world, they will work in whatever way they choose to. Whether it be to my cousin's ideas and thoughts about the way of anarchism, or to the way of a scientist trying to change the world by helping to cure cancer, a person can only make a difference if they truly want to.

pussybitch said...

You know, it wasn't an article out of a magazine. It was a persuasive essay I wrote for English. It's not a magazine article just because I cite my sources. That's what I did on "Get Off the Cross..."
I'm not that petty that I would post something from another source due to my lack of inspiration.

Michael Kent said...

To change the world we must bring about the revolution within ourselves. First change yourself, then your aura and revolution will influence your family. You and your family will then influence your friends. You, your family, and your friends will then influence your community. You, your friends, your family, and your community will influence the State/Province. Then the country! Then goes the world!

Peace begins with your lovely smile. Revolution begins within yourself. We can not dictate everyone's actions but we can dictate our own. Its a start, lets go!

brad4d said...

The critical impulse betrays what we have to share, and it seems to be despair.
If encouragement validated others before we offered the effort to push our brains to strain.
So when every bodies comfort zone defaults to denial instead of consideration,
Approval training could become the science of agreement. Mediation could do away with forcefulness.

Anonymous said...

Change of consciousness is the only way to approach the idea of revolution. Wars don't solve anything, they only cause pain and misery. So the next question is; how does a person change their consciousness? Through history there have been many methods for how we have chosen to change consciousness. In the sixties there was a revolution of consciousness using LSD and various other psychedelic substances. This change seemed to threaten those in power with perhaps fear that they couldn't control the change process. I do think that a change is needed, turning away from violence; wars never seem to help humanity. God can change our consciuosness if we let...ask him/her to do this within us, for the good. Love should be our goal.

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