Last night, I was forced to think.
Forced to think about the situations surrounding my life.
Forced to think about myself and what I produce in life.
Well what did I come up with?
I came up with something we all know.
Energy cannot be created, neither can it be destroyed.
Not by human hands.
Love, in order to give, it is necessary to have.
These people in this world, you and I.
Well, mostly you, this world has shaped you,
and tossed you around, and gave you false beliefs,
and robbed you of your loving capabilities.
But love to me, it comes natural.
And forgiveness spews out of me like light from the sun.
And kindness keeps me alive.
And my self confidence, well its my conceited self.
But I don't look down on you my friend.
Is it your fault that you cannot love like myself?
So who am I exalting myself over others.
"What a prideful bastard he is, saying these things"
Well, you may be right, but my pride won't allow me,
allow me to be anything less than loving.
And that is the beauty of a lover.